CH Oceania Use Any Means DN DJA CM pnt'd
(MRBIS MBIG MTD UWP CH Kilcavan Captain Flint CGC CM pnt'd x MBIS MRBIS MBIG CH Kilcavan Alice's Adventures CGC CGCA CM pnt'd)
Born: May 21, 2014
Co-owned by Ashley Hammock and Michael Silver
**UPDATE! Selene has earned her DJ Dock Diving Title!! She is the first Hamiltonstovare to earn a dock diving title and AKC performance title!!**
**UPDATE! Selene is now a UKC Champion**
**UPDATE! Selene is now a UKC Group Placer**
**NEWS FLASH!! Selene is now an AKC Achiever Dog, by having qualifying scores/placements in at least 3 different AKC events!!**
**NEWS FLASH!! Selene is now AKC Fast CAT pointed!!**
**NEWS FLASH!! Selene is now AKC CM title pointed after being award Best of Opposite Sex at the Virginia Kennel Club Open Show on June 24, 2018**
Selene is another daughter of Alice and Rolo. She was known as mini-Alice when she was born because of her close resemblance to Alice in markings. However, she is more like her father in personality. Selene is very happy-go-lucky and really enjoys playing. Her favorite spot is in somebody's lap. Selene will be shown in conformation and will start agility training after she is old enough.
After much consideration, Selene is going to only be shown on a limited basis to focus more time in agility. This girl was born to do agility and other performance sports.