Hamiltonstovare and weather
It is unseasonably warm here in central Virginia and with that the Hamiltonstovare are unseasonably calmer than normal. Rolo went out on an adventure in Williamsburg to explore Colonial Williamsburg's Duke of Gloucester (DoG) Street and I was reminded that it is different how little these guys tolerate heat. While we were discussing with various people regarding the breed, I made sure to say that this breed does not tolerate heat well. Anything over 75F and my guys tend to be very slow moving and aren't as active.
Hamiltonstovare, being a Swedish breed, prefer colder temperatures and adore the snow. When I have people interested in the breed but they live in a warmer climate, I ask them how do they plan to keep them cool. My guys get a kiddie pool during the summer and have access to various forms of cool temperatures. Hamiltonstovare are not a breed to be left outside, unsupervised ever. In terms of just weather, Hamiltonstovare overheat very quickly in the summer. I rarely show in the summer as their performance does drop. If I do show or do anything outside for a long period of time with my guys during warmer temperatures, I bring a cool towel and a spray bottle to keep them cool.
Hamiltonstovare in the snow is truly a sight to be seen. They come alive and have a look of pure joy on their faces. The colder and deeper the snow, the better. It is such a stark contrast to summer behavior that I do tell people that are interested in the breed. My guys refuse to come inside when there is snow outside. Hamiltonstovare excel in every single snow activity possible including skijoring, weight pull/sledding, and just generally playing. Traditionally, Hamiltons hunt in the snow and have been developed to endure cold temperatures.
If you don't like playing in the snow or even standing out in the snow then do not get a Hamiltonstovare if you live where there is snow. The moment a Hamilton is around snow, they will be in it for hours. Their coat and feet are specifically designed to thrive in the snow. They have a dense undercoat and a layer of outer guard hairs that insulate them from any moisture and melting snow. Hamiltonstovare look to float over snow because they have webbed feet and their paws act like snowshoes. Their nails are close to the paw pad to act like crampons in the snow and ice. Several breeds slow down naturally in the snow but Hamiltons speed up so good luck chasing one in the snow.
As with any dog owner, Hamiltonstovare should keep in mind that the dog's safety comes first so if your Hamiltonstovare has been outside for more than 20 minutes and the temperature is above 75F, bring them in immediately. Hamiltonstovare owners do need to be mindful to keep their dogs on limits with the snow, they will not want to come inside but make them.