
The past week has been strange to say the very least. The Oceania Hamiltonstovare gang attended the First Colony Cluster of AKC Open Shows in Richmond,  Va where Rolo won his first Best in Show and earned his AKC CM title. He is the first Hamiltonstovare to earn this title. The AKC CM title is one of the most difficult titles to earn for a Foundation Stock Service breed in the AKC. Dogs have to earn 15 points by defeating others in their breed or by earning a Group 1st or Best in Show. For some FSS breeds, it can take years and thousands of dollars to earn this title. However, this title is critical in the advancing of the breed through the steps to become fully AKC recognized. 

If all that happened this past week was Rolo winning big, then I would be on cloud 9 and probably not hopping off of that cloud for quite some time. That was not to be. Unfortunately, on the last day of showing, Alice started showing signs of a possible miscarriage of her litter. She was lethargic, not eating and bleeding. We rushed her to our local emergency vet, VRCC, and I really was not impressed with how Alice was being treated. So I made arrangements to take Alice to Lakeside Animal Hospital the next morning. At our appointment, it was discovered that Alice had open pyometra. It is a uterine infection that is draining. In many cases, a young dog can be treated conservatively and they are able to be bred. In Alice's case, she is at the end of her breeding career already so conservative treatment was not advised. Alice was admitted that day and was spayed the next day. So I spent my time worrying about her. I also knew from the ultrasound that the infection made her fetuses stop developing. The litter is not happening and to my puppy homes, I am so sorry. 

Alice is now back home and recovering. She is slowly getting back to normal and the realization that her show career is over has hit. She will be shown in UKC altered and in veteran classes. Unfortunately, she will never earn the AKC CM title as she was 1 point shy and spayed/neutered dogs aren't allowed to compete for the AKC CM title. 

To those on my waiting list, I will be sending an email out with additional information soon.

Thank you so much to Dr. Gonzalez and the entire staff at Lakeside Animal Hospital. They saved Alice's life and set me at ease regarding her care. She was treated like family and I am forever grateful. Thank you to those that helped us at the shows , thank you to the judges that awarded my boy his amazing wins, and thank you to the clubs for hosting these AKC Open Shows.